Rakesh Kumar Meena, Tanushree Chaterjee and Sanket Thakur (2014). An efficient method of genomic DNA isolation from mucilage rich okra leaves for molecular biology studies. Vol. 4 Issue 1, ISSN No. 2249-555X, Indian journal Applied Research.
A. Shalini, Rakesh K Meena, Shubhankar Tarafdar and Sanket Thakur (2013). Evaluation of Genetic diversity in bamboo through DNA markers and study of association with morphological traits; Bulletin of environment, Pharmacology & Life Science. Vol. 2 (8) pp78 – 83.
Shalini A, Meena RK, Tarafdar S and Thakur S. (2013) Screening & Development of novel SSR markers associated to restorer fertility Genes for hybrid rice. II National Conference on recent advance in biological science organized by School of Life Sciences, Pt. Ravi Shankar Shukla University, Raipur Chhattisgarh.
Kumar M, Meena Rk, Verma AK, Tarafdar S, Jagtap P and Thakur S. (2013) Biochemical and molecular confirmation for yellow vein mosaic virus (YVMV) resistance in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) II National Conference on recent advance in biological science organized by School of Life Sciences, Pt. Ravi Shankar Shukla University, Raipur Chhattisgarh.
Major Patent & Publications
Indian Patent: Developed tissue culture protocol for micro-propagation of Jatropha and have also acquired patent for the same - “A Process for Inhibition of Latex Secretion in Jatropha Curcus through Tissue Culture” 1329/mum/2004, The Patent Office Journal, India No. 13514 date 21/07/2006 (Annexure IV).
Banerjee S., Devi K., Tarafdar S., Dubey A. and Thakur S. (2011) RAPD and SSRS Markers Based Molecular Characterization of Hybrid Rice Cultivars Grown in Chhattisgarh. Proceedings at National Conference on Bioresource: Its Implication, Alteration and Management For the Welfare of The Living Kingdom, Science college, Durg.
Banerjee S., Tarafdar S., Patel S., Dhurandhar K., Pandey V. and Thakur S (2011) Identification and Development of DNA markers (RAPD AND ISSR) Linked to off-types traits in micro-propagated banana. Proceedings at National Conference on Bioresource: Its Implication, Alteration and Management For the Welfare of The Living Kingdom Science college Durg.
Tarafdar S., Banerjee S., Dhurandhar K., Pandey V. and Thakur S. (2011) Development of Protocol for Mass Multiplication of Two Elite Varieties of Sugarcane (Co-86032 & Co- 94012) Through Micropropagation, Proc. National Conference on “Advances in Biological Sciences” Pt. Ravi Shankar Shukla University, Raipur Chhattisgarh.
Thakur S., Banerjee S., Tarafdar S., Dhurandhar K, Pandey V. and Mishra M. (2011)Development of Protocol fro in-vitro regeneration and mass Propagation of Eucalyptus tereticornis, Proceedings at National Seminar on Effect of Pollution In Global Health, Shri Shankracharya College, Bhilai.
Chaturvedi T., Tarafdar S, Banerjee S., Mishra M. and Thakur S. (2011) Isolation and Characterization of Microbes Capable of Colonizing on Organometallic Wastes, Proceedings at National Seminar on Effect of Pollution In Global Health. Shri Shankracharya College, Bhilai.
hrivastava A, Tarafdar S., Banerjee S., Mishra M. and Thakur S. (2011) Isolation and Screening of Microbes from Local Habitats of Chhatiisgarh for Treatment of Waste Water, Proceedings at National Seminar on Effect of Pollution In Global Health. Shri Shankracharya College, Bhilai.
Yadav E., Tarafdar S., Banerjee S., Mishra M. and Thakur S. (2011) Screening and Molecular Characterization of Protease Producing Bacteria using RAPD Markers, Proceedings at National Seminar on Effect of Pollution In Global Health. Shri Shankracharya College, Bhilai.
Sinha L., Tarafdar S., Banerjee S., Mishra M. and Thakur S. (2011) Screening, Identification and Molecular Characterization of Cellulases Producing Bacteria from Agrowastes, National Seminar on Effect of Pollution In Global Health. Shri Shankracharya College, Bhilai.